2 Functional Overview

Ranging and localization applications can be summarized under the term “Multilateration”, which gives an overview about the methods and calculations. For the UWB demo kit, two demo applications are developed using the ATA8352’s TDoA capability. For more details, refer to the ATA8352 Demo and Evaluation Kit User's Guide (DS50003129).

  1. TDoA application – To demonstrate the timestamp capturing with a transmitter (Tag) and receiver (Anchor) device. For more details on the TDoA application, refer to the IEEE 802.15.4a-2007 Standard.
  2. DS-TWR application – To demonstrate the ranging measurement with a Tag node and an Anchor node. For more details on DS-TWR ranging, refer to the Annex D1 in the IEEE 802.15.4a-2007 Standard, section in the IEEE 802.15.4z-2020 Standard.
  3. For more details, refer to the following publications by J. Tiemann:
    • Multi-User Interference and Wireless Clock Synchronization in TDOA-based UWB Localization
    • ATLAS - An Open-Source TDOA-Based Ultra-Wideband Localization System