37.1 Features

  • UPDI One-Wire Interface for External Programming and On-Chip-Debugging (OCD)
    • Uses a dedicated pin of the device for programming
    • No GPIO pins occupied during the operation
    • Asynchronous half-duplex UART protocol towards the programmer
  • Programming:
    • Built-in error detection and error signature generation
    • Override of response generation for faster programming
  • Debugging:
    • Memory-mapped access to device address space (NVM, RAM, I/O)
    • No limitation on the device clock frequency
    • Unlimited number of user program breakpoints
    • Two hardware breakpoints
    • Support for advanced OCD features
      • Run-time readout of the CPU Program Counter (PC), Stack Pointer (SP) and Status Register (SREG) for code profiling
      • Detection and signalization of the Break/Stop condition in the CPU
      • Program flow control for Run, Stop and Reset debug instructions
    • Nonintrusive run-time chip monitoring without accessing the system registers
    • Interface for reading the result of the CRC check of the Flash on a locked device