1 Introduction

This document describes the Microchip PIC32CK SG01/GC01 Curiosity Ultra development board (EV33A17A/EV44P93A) features, functionality, and schematics. The PIC32CK SG01/GC01 Curiosity Ultra development board includes an integrated programmer or debugger, and requires no additional hardware to get started. Users can expand functionality through Arduino Uno R3, Mikro Bus, or Xplained Pro compatible expansion boards, and control a 3-phase inverter to drive a 3-phase BLDC, PMSM, and ACIM motor.

With expansion boards, the PIC32CK SG01/GC01 Curiosity Ultra development board provides the freedom to develop for a variety of applications, including Bluetooth® Audio, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics development, and proof of concept (POC) designs.