3.1 SmartFusion 2 and IGLOO 2 SSO Guidelines

The following tables list the MSIO, MSIOD, and DDRIO SSO guidelines and standards for different SmartFusion® 2 and IGLOO® 2 device variants. Unsupported combinations are left empty.

Important: SSO trace load for MSIO and MSIOD is 500Ω in parallel with 50 pF load. SSO trace load for DDRIO is 17 pF.
Table 3-3. MSIO SSO Guidelines for M2S010/M2GL010 - FG484 Device
LVTTL (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS25 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS18 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS15 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS12 (SSOs Causing)
Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
20 28 18 16 28 20 12 28 28 8 28 28 4 28 28
16 28 22 12 28 28 10 28 28 6 28 28 2 28 28
12 28 28 8 28 28 8 28 28 4 28 28
8 28 28 6 28 28 6 28 28 2 28 28
4 28 28 4 28 28 4 28 28
2 28 28 2 28 28 2 28 28
Table 3-4. MSIOD SSO Guidelines for M2S010/M2GL010 - FG484 Device
LVCMOS25 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS18 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS15 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS12 (SSOs Causing)
Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
12 28 18 10 28 28 6 28 28 4 28 28
8 28 24 8 28 28 4 28 28 2 28 28
6 28 28 6 28 28 2 28 28
4 28 28 4 28 28
2 28 28 2 28 28
Table 3-5. DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S010/M2GL010 - FG484 Device
LVCMOS25 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS18 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS15 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS12 (SSOs Causing)
Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce
16 28 28 16 28 28 12 28 28 8 28 28
12 28 28 12 28 28 10 28 28 4 28 28
8 28 28 10 28 28 8 28 28 2 28 28
6 28 28 8 28 28 6 28 28
4 28 28 6 28 28 4 28 28
2 28 28 4 28 28 2 28 28
2 28 28
Table 3-6. MSIO, MSIOD, and DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S025/M2GL025 - FG484 Device
MSIO (SSOs Causing) MSIOD (SSOs Causing) DDRIO (SSOs Causing)
I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
LVTTL 20 28 12
LVCMOS25 16 28 14 LVCMOS25 12 28 18 LVCMOS25 16 18 28
LVCMOS18 12 28 28 LVCMOS18 10 28 28 LVCMOS18 16 28 28
LVCMOS15 8 28 28 LVCMOS15 6 28 28 LVCMOS15 12 28 28
LVCMOS12 4 28 28 LVCMOS12 4 28 28 LVCMOS12 8 28 28
Table 3-7. MSIO SSO Guidelines for M2S050/M2GL050 - FG896 Device
I/O Standards LVTTL (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS25 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS18 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS15 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS12 (SSOs Causing)
Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
20 40 6 16 28 8 12 60 10 8 60 14 4 60 60
16 60 10 12 60 10 10 60 12 6 60 20 2 60 60
12 60 12 8 60 14 8 60 16 4 60 60
8 60 20 6 60 20 6 60 22 2 60 60
4 60 60 4 60 60 4 60 60
2 60 60 2 60 60 2 60 60
Table 3-8. MSIOD SSO Guidelines for M2S050/M2GL050 - FG896 Device
LVCMOS25 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS18 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS15 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS12 (SSOs Causing)
Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce Drive strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
12 60 14 10 60 28 6 60 60 4 60 60
8 60 20 8 60 60 4 60 60 2 60 60
6 60 60 6 60 60 2 60 60
4 60 60 4 60 60
2 60 60 2 60 60
Table 3-9. DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S050/M2GL050 - FG896 Device
LVCMOS25 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS18 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS15 (SSOs Causing) LVCMOS12 (SSOs Causing)
Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VCCI Bounce
16 8 16 16 20 52 12 60 54 8 60 60
12 18 28 12 60 60 10 60 60 4 60 60
8 60 58 10 60 60 8 60 60 2 60 60
6 60 60 8 60 60 6 60 60
4 60 60 6 60 60 4 60 60
2 60 60 4 60 60 2 60 60
2 60 60
Table 3-10. MSIO, MSIOD, and DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S060/M2GL060 - FG676 Device
MSIO (SSOs Causing) MSIOD (SSOs Causing) DDRIO (SSOs Causing)
I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
LVTTL 20 32 28
LVCMOS25 16 32 32 LVCMOS25 12 32 16 LVCMOS25 16 14 32
LVCMOS18 12 32 32 LVCMOS18 10 32 30 LVCMOS18 16 28 32
LVCMOS15 8 32 32 LVCMOS15 6 32 32 LVCMOS15 12 32 32
LVCMOS12 4 32 32 LVCMOS12 4 32 32 LVCMOS12 8 32 32
Table 3-11. MSIO, MSIOD, and DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S090/M2GL090 - FG676 Device
MSIO (SSOs Causing) MSIOD (SSOs Causing) DDRIO (SSOs Causing)
I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards I/O Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
LVTTL 20 40 26
LVCMOS25 16 40 40 LVCMOS25 12 40 22 LVCMOS25 16 40 40
LVCMOS18 12 40 40 LVCMOS18 10 40 40 LVCMOS18 16 40 40
LVCMOS15 8 40 40 LVCMOS15 6 40 40 LVCMOS15 12 40 40
LVCMOS12 4 40 40 LVCMOS12 4 40 40 LVCMOS12 8 40 40
Table 3-12. MSIO, MSIOD, and DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S090/M2GL090 - FCS325 Device
MSIO (SSOs Causing) MSIOD (SSOs Causing) DDRIO (SSOs Causing)
I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
LVTTL 20 40 40
LVCMOS25 16 40 40 LVCMOS25 12 30 30 LVCMOS25 16 40 40
LVCMOS18 12 40 40 LVCMOS18 10 30 30 LVCMOS18 16 40 40
LVCMOS15 8 40 40 LVCMOS15 6 30 30 LVCMOS15 12 40 40
LVCMOS12 4 40 40 LVCMOS12 4 30 30 LVCMOS12 8 40 40
Table 3-13. MSIO, MSIOD, and DDRIO SSO Guidelines for M2S150/M2GL150 - FC1152 Device
MSIO (SSOs Causing) MSIOD (SSOs Causing) DDRIO (SSOs Causing)
I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce I/O Standards Drive Strength (mA) GND Bounce VDDI Bounce
LVTTL 20 60 60
LVCMOS25 16 60 60 LVCMOS25 12 60 60 LVCMOS25 16 60 60
LVCMOS18 12 60 60 LVCMOS18 10 60 60 LVCMOS18 16 60 60
LVCMOS15 8 60 60 LVCMOS15 6 60 60 LVCMOS15 12 60 60
LVCMOS12 4 60 60 LVCMOS12 4 60 60 LVCMOS12 8 60 60