1.17.14 Low Power Modes (Power)

PIC32 devices offer various methods and modes that allow the user to balance power consumption with device performance. Power plib provides interface to get into such low power modes. Some of the devices which supports deep sleep mode, it also provides additional functions to be used in deep sleep mode.

Using The Library

To enter into any of the power saving mode, user can call the API POWER_LowPowerModeEnter. in case the device supports deep sleep mode and user wants to use that, then the same can be first configured in MHC power plib configuration and then corresponding APIs can be sued as needed.

Library Interface

Low Power Modes peripheral library provides the following interfaces:


Name Description
POWER_LowPowerModeEnter Puts the device in selected low power mode
POWER_Initialize Initializes Deep Sleep controller of Power module
POWER_WakeupSourceGet Returns the source of wakeup from deep sleep
POWER_ReleaseGPIO Release GPIO pins
POWER_WakeupSourceClear Clears the wakeup source
POWER_DSGPR_Write Saves critical data in deep sleep state
POWER_DSGPR_Read Reads saved data

Data types and constants

Name Type Description
POWER_LOW_POWER_MODE Enum Identifies low power mode options
POWER_WAKEUP_SOURCE Enum Identifies wake up sources from deep sleep mode
POWER_DSGPR Enum Identifies deep sleep GPRs