7.2.1 CP0 Register Definitions Header File

The CP0 register definitions header file (cp0defs.h) is a file that contains definitions for the CP0 registers and their fields. In addition, it contains macros for accessing the CP0 registers. These macros are defined in cp0defs.h so the application code should #include <cp0defs.h>.

The CP0 register definitions header file is located in the pic32mx/include directory of your compiler installation directory.

Some compiler-specific header files are located in the ./lib/gcc/pic32mx/4.8.3/include-fixed/limits.h directory rather than in /pic32mx/include.

The CP0 register definitions header file is automatically included when you include the generic device header file, xc.h.

The CP0 register definitions header file was designed to work with either Assembly or C/C++ files. The CP0 register definitions header file is dependent on macros defined within the processor generic header file.