7.5.2 CP0 Register Field Definitions

When the CP0 register definitions header file is included from either an Assembly or a C/C++ file, three #defines exist for each of the CP0 register fields.

_CP0_register_name_field_name_POSITION – the starting bit location

_CP0_register_name_field_name_MASK – the bits that are part of this field are set

_CP0_register_name_field_name_LENGTH – the number of bits that this field occupies

For example, the vector spacing field of the IntCtl register has the following defines:

	#define _CP0_INTCTL_VS_POSITION 0x00000005
	#define _CP0_INTCTL_VS_MASK     0x000003E0
	#define _CP0_INTCTL_VS_LENGTH   0x00000005