28.2 Defining Global Register Variables

You can define a global register variable like this:

register int *foo asm ("t0");

Here t0 is the name of the register which should be used. Choose a register that is normally saved and restored by function calls, so that library routines will not clobber it.

Defining a global register variable in a certain register reserves that register entirely for this use, at least within the current compilation. The register will not be allocated for any other purpose in the functions in the current compilation. The register will not be saved and restored by these functions. Stores into this register are never deleted even if they would appear to be dead, but references may be deleted, moved or simplified.

It is not safe to access the global register variables from signal handlers, or from more than one thread of control, because the system library routines may temporarily use the register for other things (unless you recompile them especially for the task at hand).

It is not safe for one function that uses a global register variable to call another such function foo by way of a third function lose that was compiled without knowledge of this variable (that is, in a source file in which the variable wasn’t declared). This is because lose might save the register and put some other value there. For example, you can’t expect a global register variable to be available in the comparison-function that you pass to qsort, since qsort might have put something else in that register. This problem can be avoided by recompiling qsort with the same global register variable definition.

If you want to recompile qsort or other source files that do not actually use your global register variable, so that they will not use that register for any other purpose, then it suffices to specify the compiler command-line option -ffixed-reg. You need not actually add a global register declaration to their source code.

A function that can alter the value of a global register variable cannot safely be called from a function compiled without this variable, because it could clobber the value the caller expects to find there on return. Therefore, the function that is the entry point into the part of the program that uses the global register variable must explicitly save and restore the value that belongs to its caller.

The library function longjmp will restore to each global register variable the value it had at the time of the setjmp.

All global register variable declarations must precede all function definitions. If such a declaration appears after function definitions, the register may be used for other purposes in the preceding functions.

Global register variables may not have initial values because an executable file has no means to supply initial contents for a register.