3.1 Single-step Assembly

Assembly of one or more source files can be performed in just one step using the pic-as driver.

The following command will build both the assembly source files, passing these files to the appropriate internal applications, then link the generated code to form the final output.

pic-as -mcpu=16F877A main.S mdef.s

The driver will compile all source files, regardless of whether they have changed since the last build. Development environments (such as MPLAB® X IDE) and make utilities must be employed to achieve incremental builds (see 3.2 Multi-step Assembly).

Unless otherwise specified, a HEX file and ELF file are produced as the final output. The intermediate files remain after compilation has completed, but most other temporary files are deleted, unless you use the -save-temps option (see 3.4.28 Save-temps Option) which preserves all generated files. Note that some generated files can be in a different directory than your project source files (see also 3.4.27 O: Specify Output File).