3.4 Assembler Option Descriptions

Most aspects of the build process can be controlled using options passed to the assembler's command-line driver, pic-as.

All options are case sensitive and are identified by leading single or double dash character, e.g. -o or --version.

Use the --help option to obtain a brief description of accepted options on the command line.

If you are compiling from within the MPLAB X IDE, it will issue explicit options to the assembler that are based on the selections in the project's Project Properties dialog. The default project options might be different to the default options used by the assembler when running on the command line, so you should review your IDE properties to ensue that they are acceptable.

The summary of all available driver options tabulated below is followed by a detailed description of each option.

Table 3-1. PIC Assembler Driver Options

(Links to explanatory section)

-c Generation of an intermediate object file
-Dmacro=text Definition of preprocessor symbols
-dM List all defined macros
-E The generation of preprocessed-only files
--fill=options Filling of unused memory
-fmax-errors Number of errors before aborting
-gformat The type of debugging information generated
-H List included header files
--help Display help information only
-Idir Directories searched for headers
-llibrary Which libraries are scanned
-Ldir Directories searched for libraries
-mcallgraph=type The type of callgraph printed in the map file
-mchecksum=specs The generation and placement of a checksum or hash
-mcpu=device The target device that code will be built for
-mdfp=path Which device family pack to use
-m[no-]download How the final HEX file is conditioned
-misa=set Select PIC18 instruction set
-mmaxichip Use of a hypothetical device with full memory
-mprint-devices Chip information only
-mram=ranges Data memory that is available for the program
-mreserve=ranges What memory should be reserved
-mrom=ranges Program memory that is available for the program
-mserial=options The insertion of a serial number in the output
-msummary=types What memory summary information is produced
-mwarn=level The threshold at which warnings are output
-o file Specify output file name
-save-temps Whether intermediate files should be kept after compilation
-Umacro The undefining of preprocessor symbols
-v Verbose compilation output
--version Display of assembler version information
-w The suppression of all warning messages
-Wa,option Options passed to the assembler
-W[no-]error Promote warnings to errors
-Wp,option Options passed to the preprocessor
-Wl,option Options passed to the linker
-xlanguage The language in which the source files are interpreted
-Xassembler option Options passed to the assembler
-Xpreprocessor option Options passed to the preprocessor
-Xlinker option System-specific options to passed to the linker