14.3.3 Sleep Mode Operation

When configured, the Event System will work in all sleep modes. Software events represent one exception since they require a peripheral clock.

Asynchronous event users can respond to an event without their clock running in Standby sleep mode. Synchronous event users require their clock to be running to be able to respond to events. Such users will only work in Idle sleep mode or Standby sleep mode, if configured to run in Standby mode by setting the RUNSTDBY bit in the appropriate register.

Asynchronous event generators can generate an event without their clock running, that is, in Standby sleep mode. Synchronous event generators require their clock to be running to be able to generate events. Such generators will only work in Idle sleep mode or Standby sleep mode, if configured to run in Standby mode by setting the RUNSTDBY bit in the appropriate register.