2 Peripheral Overview

Table 2-2. Peripheral Overview
FeatureATmega808 ATmega1608 ATmega3208 ATmega4808 ATmega808 ATmega1608 ATmega3208 ATmega4808 ATmega4809 ATmega809 ATmega1609 ATmega3209 ATmega4809
Max. frequency (MHz)20202020
16-bit Timer/Counter type A (TCA)1111
16-bit Timer/Counter type B (TCB)3344
12-bit Timer/Counter type D (TCD)----
Real-Time Counter (RTC)1111
TWI (I2C)1(1)1(1)1(1)1(1)
ADC (channels)1 (8)1 (12)1 (16)1 (16)
DAC (outputs)----
AC (inputs)1 (4p/3n)1 (4p/3n)1 (4p/3n)1 (4p/3n)
Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) (self-cap/mutual cap channels)----
Custom Logic (LUTs)1 (4)1 (4)1 (4)1 (4)
Window Watchdog1111
Event System channels6688
General purpose I/O23273341
PORTPA[0:7], PC[0:3], PD[0:7], PF[0,1,6]PA[0:7], PC[0:3], PD[0:7], PF[0:6]PA[0:7], PC[0:5], PD[0:7], PE[0:3], PF[0:6]PA[0:7], PB[0:5], PC[0:7], PD[0:7], PE[0:3], PF[0:6]
Asynchronous external interrupts67810
Unified Program and Debug Interface (UPDI) activated by dedicated pin 1111
  1. TWI can operate as host and client at the same time on different pins.