3.4.5 Anti-Touch Recalibration
The continuous negative delta will be observed when the system is calibrated with a finger/object placed on the button and such finger/object is removed. This scenario is monitored on the MTCH2120 board (no host intervention required), and recalibration is performed to resume the ordinary operation. Usually, the Anti-Touch recalibration will happen when the delta is less than the Anti-Touch recalibration threshold (ANTITCHRECALTHRESH) value for the Anti-Touch-Integration (ANTITCHINT) times.
Negative delta due to noise (an occasional spike) doesn't trigger recalibration.
Steps to Configure Anti-Touch Recalibration
The Anti-Touch Recalibration value for Buttons can be updated by writing in the Sensor Anti-Touch Recalibration Threshold (ANTITCHRECALTHRESH) register, and the Anti-touch Integration value can be updated by writing in the ANTITCHINT register. Refer to the Configuration Summary for more details.