4.8.4 Functional Description
The programmable 16-bit prescaler value can be configured through the RTPRES field in the RTT Mode register (RTT_MR).
Configuring RTPRES to 0x8000 (default value) corresponds to feeding the real-time counter with a 1Hz signal (if the slow clock is 32.768 kHz). The 32-bit counter can count up to 232 seconds, corresponding to more than 136 years, then roll over to 0. Bit RTTINC in the RTT Status register (RTT_SR) is set each time there is a prescaler roll-over (see the figure below).
The real-time 32-bit counter can also be supplied by the 1Hz RTC clock. This mode is applicable when the RTC 1Hz is calibrated (RTC_MR.CORRECTION ≠ 0) in order to ensure the synchronism between RTC and RTT counters.
Setting RTT_MR.RTC1HZ drives the 32-bit RTT counter from the 1Hz RTC clock. In this mode, RTPRES has no effect on the 32-bit counter.
The prescaler roll-over generates an increment of the RTT counter if RTC1HZ = 0. Otherwise, if RTC1HZ = 1, the RTT counter is incremented every second. RTTINC is set independently from the 32-bit counter increment.
The RTT can also be used as a free-running timer with a lower time-base. The best accuracy is achieved by writing RTT_MR.RTPRES to 3.
Programming RTPRES to 1 or 2 is forbidden.
The CRTV field can be read at any time in the RTT Value register (RTT_VR). As this value can be updated asynchronously with the peripheral bus clock, CRTV must be read twice at the same value to read a correct value.
The current value of the counter is compared with the value written in the RTT Alarm register (RTT_AR). If the counter value matches the alarm, the ALMS bit in the RTT_SR is set. The RTT_AR is set to its maximum value (0xFFFFFFFF) after a reset.
ALMS is always a source of the RTT alarm signal that may be used to exit the system from low power modes (see the RTT Block Diagram above).
The alarm interrupt must be disabled (RTT_MR.ALMIEN must be cleared) when writing a new value to RTT_AR.ALMV.
RTT_SR.RTTINC can be used to start a periodic interrupt. The period is one second when RTT_MR.RTPRES = 0x8000 and the slow clock = 32.768 kHz.
RTT_MR.RTTINCIEN must be cleared prior to writing a new value in RTT_MR. RTPRES.
Reading RTT_SR automatically clears RTT_SR.RTTINC and RTT_SR.ALMS.
Writing RTT_MR.RTTRST immediately reloads and restarts the clock divider with the new programmed value. This also resets the 32-bit counter.
When not used, the RTT can be disabled in order to suppress dynamic power consumption in this module. This can be achieved by setting RTT_MR.RTTDIS.
The RTTINC2 flag is set when the number of prescaler roll-overs programmed through the SELINC2 field in the RTT Modulo Selection register (RTT_MODR) has been reached since the last read of RTT_SR.
For example, it is possible to generate two sources of interrupt of different periods with flags RTTINC and RTTINC2. If the RTT slow clock frequency is 32.768 kHz and RTPRES=32, the RTTINC flag rises 1024 times per second (less than 1 ms period). If the field SELINC2=5, the RTTINC2 flag rises once per second.
If RTTINC is defined as the unique source of interrupt (RTTINCEN=1, ALMIEN=0 and INC2AEN=0 in RTT_MR), the value read in RTT_SR by the interrupt handler determines if the current interrupt event corresponds to a 1-second event (RTT_SR[2:1]=3) or to a 1-millisecond event (RTT_SR[2:1]=1). See the figure below.
If the bit INC2AEN=1, RTTINC2 flag is also a source for the RTT alarm signal. See RTT Block Diagram.