RTC Mode Register

This register can only be written if the WPEN bit is cleared in the System Controller Write Protection Mode register (SYSC_WPMR).

Name: RTC_MR
Offset: 0x04
Reset: 0x00000000
Property: Read/Write

Bit 3130292827262524 
   TPERIOD[1:0] THIGH[2:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 
Bit 2322212019181716 
  OUT1[2:0] OUT0[2:0] 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 
Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000 

Bits 29:28 – TPERIOD[1:0] Period of the Output Pulse

0 P_1S 1 second
1 P_500MS 500 ms
2 P_250MS 250 ms
3 P_125MS 125 ms

Bits 26:24 – THIGH[2:0] High Duration of the Output Pulse

0 H_31MS 31.2 ms
1 H_16MS 15.6 ms
2 H_4MS 3.91 ms
3 H_976US 976 μs
4 H_488US 488 μs
5 H_122US 122 μs
6 H_30US 30.5 μs
7 H_15US 15.2 μs

Bits 22:20 – OUT1[2:0]  ADC Last Channel Trigger Event Source Selection

0 NO_WAVE No waveform, stuck at ‘0’
1 FREQ1HZ 1-Hz square wave
2 FREQ32HZ 32-Hz square wave
3 FREQ64HZ 64-Hz square wave
4 FREQ512HZ 512-Hz square wave
5 ALARM_TOGGLE Output toggles when alarm flag rises
6 ALARM_FLAG Output is a copy of the alarm flag
7 PROG_PULSE Duty cycle programmable pulse

Bits 18:16 – OUT0[2:0]  All ADC Channel Trigger Event Source Selection

0 NO_WAVE No waveform, stuck at ‘0’
1 FREQ1HZ 1-Hz square wave
2 FREQ32HZ 32-Hz square wave
3 FREQ64HZ 64-Hz square wave
4 FREQ512HZ 512-Hz square wave
5 ALARM_TOGGLE Output toggles when alarm flag rises
6 ALARM_FLAG Output is a copy of the alarm flag
7 PROG_PULSE Duty cycle programmable pulse

Bit 15 – HIGHPPM HIGH PPM Correction

If the absolute value of the correction to be applied is lower than 30 ppm, it is recommended to clear HIGHPPM. HIGHPPM set to 1 is recommended for 30 ppm correction and above.


If HIGHPPM = 0, then the clock frequency correction range is from 1.5 ppm up to 98 ppm. The RTC accuracy is less than 1 ppm for a range correction from 1.5 ppm up to 30 ppm.

The correction field must be programmed according to the required correction in ppm; the formula is as follows:

CORRECTION = 3906 20 × ppm 1

The value obtained must be rounded to the nearest integer prior to being programmed into CORRECTION field.

If HIGHPPM = 1, then the clock frequency correction range is from 30.5 ppm up to 1950 ppm. The RTC accuracy is less than 1 ppm for a range correction from 30.5 ppm up to 90 ppm.

The correction field must be programmed according to the required correction in ppm; the formula is as follows:

CORRECTION = 3906 ppm 1

The value obtained must be rounded to the nearest integer prior to be programmed into CORRECTION field.

If NEGPPM is set to 1, the ppm correction is negative (used to correct crystals that are faster than the nominal 32.768 kHz).

0 DISABLED Lower range ppm correction with accurate correction (below 30ppm correction)
1 ENABLED Higher range ppm correction with accurate correction (higher than 30ppm correction)

Bits 14:8 – CORRECTION[6:0] Slow Clock Correction

0 DISABLED No correction
1–127 The slow clock will be corrected according to the formula given in HIGHPPM description.

Bit 4 – NEGPPM Negative PPM Correction

See CORRECTION and HIGHPPM field descriptions.

NEGPPM must be cleared to correct a crystal slower than 32.768 kHz.

0 DISABLED Positive correction (the divider will be slightly higher than 32768)
1 ENABLED Negative correction (the divider will be slightly lower than 32768)

Bit 2 – UTC UTC Time Format

0 DISABLED Gregorian calendar
1 ENABLED UTC format

Bit 0 – HRMOD 12-/24-hour Mode

0 24HOURS 24-hour mode is selected.
1 AMPM 12-hour mode is selected.