Reference Clock Stop Detection

If CLK_DFLL48M_REF stops or is running at a very low frequency (slower than CLK_DFLL48M/(2 * MULMAX)), the DFLL Reference Clock Stopped bit in the Status register (STATUS.DFLLRCS) will be set.

Detecting a stopped reference clock can take a long time, in the order of 217 CLK_DFLL48M cycles.

When the reference clock is stopped, the DFLL48M will operate as if in open-loop mode. Closed-loop mode operation will automatically resume when the CLK_DFLL48M_REF is restarted.

A zero-to-one transition of the DFLL Reference Clock Stopped bit in the Status register (STATUS.DFLLRCS) will generate an interrupt, if the DFLL Reference Clock Stopped bit in the Interrupt Enable Set register (INTENSET.DFLLRCS) is '1'.