1.3 Touch Sensor

The sensor electrodes are connected to the BUTTONx pins of the MTCH1060 touch controller via series resistors to reduce electromagnetic interference (EMI) and electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), following the guidelines in the "Capacitive Touch Sensor Design Guide" application note. The series resistors used in this evaluation kit are 100 kΩ each, but can vary from 10 kΩ to 200 kΩ, depending on the sensor capacitance and desired level of EMC performance. Refer to the "Capacitive Touch Sensor Design Guide" application note for more details.

The MTCH1060 Evaluation Kit has been tested against conducted immunity according to IEC 61000-4-6 and passes the test level 3 (10 VRMS CI noise). The applied settings for the test were:

  • CFG0 (Measurement Period) : 50 ms
  • CFG1 (Oversampling): 64
  • CFG2 (Sensitivity): 64
  • Easy Tune : Disabled
  • Single-Button mode : Disabled
  • Supply voltage level: 5.0V