2.2 CFG1 (Oversampling)

CFG1 selects the number of samples to take per scan cycle for the MTCH1060 button. Oversampling values of 8x, 16x, 32x and 64x are available.

The array of jumper option allows the user to select the desired oversampling settings. One side of the jumpers were connected to the CFG1 pin of the MTCH1060 touch controller while the other side is connected to a network of resistors. This network acts as a voltage divider and provides the controller user with 0, 1/3 VCC, 2/3 VCC and VCC. By closing a jumper option, the corresponding voltage is connected to CFG1 pin of MTCH1060

Refer to the “MTCH1060 Data Sheet” for more details on oversampling and its impact on noise performance, response time and power consumption.