The Master Synchronous Serial Port (MSSP) is an integrated serial
communications module. The MSSP contains two sub-modules:
- SPI - Serial Peripheral Interface
- I2C - Inter-Integrated Circuit
The Inter-Integrated Circuit, commonly referred to as I2C, is a
synchronous, two-wire, bidirectional serial communications bus. The I2C
module can be used to communicate with other I2C-compatible devices such as
EEPROMs, display drivers, sensors or other micrcontroller devices. The I2C
module offers the following features:
- Master Mode
- Slave Mode
- Multi-Master Support
- Selectable ACK/NACK Response
- 7-Bit and 10-Bit Addressing Modes with Address Masking
- Interrupts with Interrupt Masking
- Slave Clock Stretching
- Bus Collision Detection
- Write Collision Detection
- General Call Addressing
- Selectable SDA Hold Time
This technical brief discusses the MSSP operating in the I2C Slave mode. Figure shows a block diagram of the MSSP module in I2C Slave mode.