23.3.4 Interrupts and DMA Triggers

A change in the VDDIOxRDY status bit in the MVIOSTAT register acts as a trigger for an interrupt to the CPU. This allows either a loss or gain of the VDDIOx supply voltage to generate an interrupt, which is represented through the VDDIOxIF interrupt flag in the PIRx register. The interrupt can be enabled or disabled by writing to the VDDIOxIE bit in the PIEx register.

An interrupt request is generated when the corresponding interrupt source is enabled and the interrupt flag is set. The interrupt request remains active until the interrupt flag is cleared. Refer to the “VIC - Vectored Interrupt Controller” chapter for more information.

The VDDIOxIF interrupt flag also acts as DMA trigger. The interrupt does not need to be enabled to be used as a trigger for DMA transfers. Refer to the “Types of Hardware Triggers” section in the “DMA – Direct Memory Access” chapter for more information on how to use these DMA triggers.