36.2 I2C Terminology
The I2C communication protocol terminology used throughout this document has been adapted from the Phillips I2C Specification and can be found in the table below.
I2C Bus Terminology and Definitions
Term | Definition |
Host | The device that initiates a transfer, generates the clock signal and terminates a transfer |
Client | The device addressed by the host |
Multi-Host | A bus containing more than one host device that can initiate communication |
Transmitter | The device that shifts data out onto the bus |
Receiver | The device that shifts data in from the bus |
Arbitration | Procedure that ensures only one host at a time controls the bus |
Synchronization | Procedure that synchronizes the clock signal between two or more devices on the bus |
Idle | The state in which no activity occurs on the bus and both bus lines are at a high logic level |
Active | The state in which one or more devices are communicating on the bus |
Matching Address | The address byte received by a client that matches the value that is stored in the I2CxADR0/1/2/3 registers |
Addressed Client | Client device that has received a matching address and is actively being clocked by a host device |
Write Request | Host transmits an address with the R/W bit clear indicating that it wishes to transmit data to a client device |
Read Request | Host transmits an address with the R/W bit set indicating that it wishes to receive data from a client device |
Clock Stretching | The action in which a device holds the SCL line low to stall communication |
Bus Collision | Occurs when the module samples the SDA line and returns a low state while expecting a high state |
Bus Time-out | Occurs whenever communication stalls for a period longer than acceptable |