41.5.8 ADPCH

ADC Positive Channel Selection Register
Address: 0x228

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 000000 

Bits 5:0 – PCH[5:0] ADC Positive Input Channel Selection

Table 41-6. ADC Positive Input Channel Selections
PCH ADC Positive Channel Input
111111 VSS (Analog Ground)
111110 VDDIO2/10(3)
111101 VDDIO3/10(3,4)
111100 Temperature Indicator(2)
111011 Fixed Voltage Reference (FVR) Buffer 1(1)
111010 - 110010 Reserved. No channel connected.
110001 ADCG1 (ADC Channel Group 1)
110000 - 011000 Reserved. No channel connected.
010111 RC7/ANC7(4)
010110 RC6/ANC6(4)
010101 RC5/ANC5
010100 RC4/ANC4
010011 RC3/ANC3
010010 - 010000 Reserved. No channel connected.
001111 RB7/ANB7(4)
001110 - 000110 Reserved. No channel connected.
000101 RA5/ANA5
000100 RA4/ANA4
000011 RA3/ANA3
000010 RA2/ANA2
000001 RA1/ANA1
000000 RA0/ANA0
  1. Refer to the “Fixed Voltage Reference Module” chapter for more details.
  2. Refer to the “Temperature Indicator Module” chapter for more details.
  3. Refer to the "Multi-Voltage I/O" chapter for more details.
  4. 20-pin devices only.