2.1.1 Hardware Walk-Through

The Force Click board from Mikroe is a mikroBUS™ add-on board that adds a force-sensing resistor to the project. The force-sensing resistor is a thin sensor consisting of two membranes separated by a spacer around the edges. When pressed, the gap between the two membranes gets closed, which shorts the two membranes together with a resistance proportional to the applied force.

The force-sensing resistor is mounted at the front of the board and can be swapped with other force-sensing resistors if needed. The force sensitivity range is from about 0.2N to 20N. The measurements from the Force Click board is output on the AN pin as an analog voltage. The voltage ranges from GND to the supplied voltage. The board is simple to use and does not require any drivers. It communicates with the MCU via the mikroBUS™ AN pin.