2.4.1 Burst Mode Results

Todo: Plot the result for Burst mode using the Data Visualizer.
  1. Replace the corresponding line of code in main.c to get the average result from the accumulated samples:
    adc_t.adc_average_result = adc_t.adc_result>>ADC_SAMPLES;
  2. Flash the device and plot the results in the Data Visualizer. Figure 2-9 shows the results from Burst mode.
Result: Following the same procedure as explained for Single mode, the result for Burst mode is plotted in the Data Visualizer:
Figure 2-9. Assignment 1: Burst Mode Plot

The sample-signal in green is the same as for Single mode. It plots the single conversion held in the sample register. The result-signal in purple will no longer be the same and will now be an average of the accumulated samples. The plots are still almost identical except for instances with very sudden changes in input. The difference is more noticeable when looking at a short time intervals, as shown in Figure 2-9.