9.1.4 Device Configuration Information (DCI)

The Device Configuration Information (DCI) is a dedicated region in the memory that holds information about the device, which is useful for programming and bootloader applications. The data stored in this region is read-only and cannot be modified/erased. Refer to the table below for complete DCI table addresses and description.

Table 9-4. Device Configuration Information
PIC16F15213 PIC16F15223 PIC16F15224PIC16F15214 PIC16F15224 PIC16F15244
8200hERSIZErase row size32Words
8201hWLSIZNumber of write latches per row32Words
8202hURSIZNumber of user erasable rows64128Rows
8203hEESIZData EEPROM memory size0Bytes
8204hPCNTPin Count8/14/208/14/20Pins