38.5.1 Transmit Message Object

Table 38-5 specifies the transmit message object used by the TXQ and the transmit FIFOs. The transmit objects contain the message ID, control bits and payload.
  • SID: Standard Identifier or Base Identifier.
  • EID: Extended Identifier.
  • DLC: Data Length Code; specifies the number of data bytes to transmit (see DLC Encoding).
  • IDE: Identifier Extension; clearing this bit will transmit a base frame, setting this bit will transmit an extended frame.
  • RTR: Remote Transmit Request. Setting this bit will request a transmission of a receiving node.
  • SEQ: Sequence Number; SEQ is not transmitted on the CAN bus. It is used to keep track of the transmitted messages. SEQ is stored in the TEF message object.
  • Transmit Buffer Data: Contains the payload of the message. Only the number of data bytes specified by the DLC are transmitted. Byte 0 is transmitted first, followed by 1, 2 and so on.