43.7.16 ADPREV

ADC Previous Result Register
  1. If PSIS = 0, ADPREV is formatted the same way as ADRES is, depending on the FM bit.
  2. The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:
    • ADPREVH: Accesses ADPREV[15:8]
    • ADPREVL: Accesses ADPREV[7:0]
Offset: 0x3E8

Bit 15141312111098 
Reset 00000000 
Bit 76543210 
Reset 00000000 

Bits 15:0 – PREV[15:0] Previous ADC Result

nPSIS = 1n = ADFLTR value at the start of current ADC conversion
nPSIS = 0n = ADRES at the start of current ADC conversion(1)
If PSISADC Previous Sample Input Select = 0, ADPREV is formatted the same way as ADRESADRES is, depending on the FMADC Results Format/Alignment Selection bit.The individual bytes in this multibyte register can be accessed with the following register names:ADPREVH: Accesses ADPREV[15:8]ADPREVL: Accesses ADPREV[7:0]