2.4 Application Start Address
This component allows the user to configure where the memory partition for the application
begins. This also means that the memory partition of the bootloader client will end at this
Description: If the address range that the bootloader code is written to is not specified and when the application code is large enough, the code will corrupt the data needed to operate the bootloader. This concept is also important for preventing any malicious writing actions on the bootloader code space. This component is used to set the boot address range to prevent the memory drivers from attempting to write in the Boot section of Flash. The number the user will input becomes the start of the application code area until the end of program memory Flash in hexadecimal.
Example: To configure this setting, type in the address value where the application’s program memory partition needs to start. An error message is displayed when entering a value outside of the program Flash memory range. The input box will be updated to a hexadecimal format.