
This application note describes the EEPROM configuration tool along with the definition of the EEPROM content for the Radio Frequency (RF) transceiver devices of the ATA8510 family, the RF receiver devices of the ATA8210 family and the transmitter devices of the ATA8710 family. The configuration of the three families is identical except that the receiver family does not include Transmit (TX) capabilities and the transmitter does not include Receive (RX) capabilities. This application note also describes the configuration using an EEPROM configuration tool to generate the configuration data file for the EEPROM programming.

Note: All the TX settings are discarded for the receiver families and the RX settings are discarded for the transmitter device.

The ATA8510 family supports the following products:

  • ATA8710
  • ATA8510
  • ATA8515
  • ATA8210
  • ATA8215