27.1.6 Modes of Operation

The modes of operation are summarized in the table below. The sections following the table provide descriptions and examples of how each mode can be used. Note that all waveforms assume WPOL/SPOL/CPOL = 0.

For all modes, the REPEAT bit controls whether the acquisition happens only once or is repeated. When REPEAT = 0 (Single Acquisition mode), the timer will stop incrementing and the GO bit will be cleared upon the completion of an acquisition. Otherwise, the timer will continue and allow for continued acquisitions to overwrite the previous ones, until the timer is stopped by software.

Table 27-1. Modes of Operation
MODEMode of OperationSynchronous Operation
1010Windowed CounterNo
1001Gated CounterNo
0110Time of Flight MeasurementYes
0101Gated Windowed MeasurementYes
0100Windowed MeasurementYes
0011High and Low Time MeasurementYes
0010Period and Duty Cycle MeasurementYes
0001Gated TimerYes