6 Summary

Below is a summary of the steps to get started with AWS Greengrass, and to create a Lambda function:
  1. Create a Greengrass group on the AWS console (need AWS account).
  2. Download and extract the Greengrass core’s security resources with certs/ and config/ directories.
  3. Download the root CA for AWS IoT and paste it in certs/root.ca.pem.
  4. Edit config/config.json and put “useSystemd” to “no”.
  5. Be careful regarding a firewall. A Mobile Access Point could be used for the host PC and the target.
  6. Copy (overwrite) certs/ and config/ to target board in /greengrass directory of the target.
  7. In the AWS console, disable Stream Manager for the group.
  8. Start Greengrass by running "/etc/init.d/greengrass start".
  9. Go to the AWS console and deploy the group. The deployment should have the status “Successfully completed”.
  10. Follow the guidelines and the different steps on this web site: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/greengrass/latest/developerguide/module3-I.html
    • Create and package a Lambda function.
    • Be careful to respect the zip hierarchy file.
    • Publish.
    • Create an alias.
    • Configure the Lambda function for AWS IoT Greengrass.
    • Deploy cloud configurations to a core device.
    • Verify the Lambda function is running on the core device.