2.3 Setup Configurations
The setup configuration depends on if the measurement requires a reference device (tester) transmitting/receiving information to evaluate it, defining these scenarios:
- Single-Side: The measurement requires a DUT in a solo configuration. The setup is ready to connect a Spectrum Signal Analyzer or Oscilloscope to measure a parameter like the TX power or the background noise.
- Side-by-Side: The measurement requires a configuration point-to-point that simulates a transmission path between a tester and the DUT.
In both cases, depending on the impedance network connected to the DUT, the measurements will be different. So, the user will need to analyze the DUT by means of two different configurations of the setups:
- Configuration A. DUT (and reference device when needed) connected to CENELEC CISPR16-1 LISN (High Impedance Mode). Mostly used on laboratory and certification processes.
- Configuration B. DUT (and reference device when needed) connected to PRIME Adaptation LISN (Low Impedance Mode). Mostly similar to a real network scenario in the field.
To implement any tests, it is important to have the cleanest environment possible, without external noise sources or interferences that could affect to the final results.
If using an unique host PC to control the setup, USB isolators must be used to avoid coupling in the PLC signal with the common reference signal of USB cables and the boards.
In the case of FCC band, the environment has to be double controlled due to:
- High PLC coupling due to using high frequency channels. It is important to keep all the cables as separated as possible due to magnetic coupling being higher in the FCC frequencies, and this could cause incorrect measurements.
- If using USB isolators to connect the devices to the computer, take into account the possible noise that these isolators could be adding to the network. Some of these USB isolators use frequencies of the FCC band that could affect the communications.