Memory clocks are not controlled by the PMC.
- ROM and CPKCC are on the CPU System and Security (CSS) matrix and therefore clocked by MCK0.
- SECURAM is located on CSS and clocked by MCK0 divided by 32.
- SRAM, SMC and NFC_RAM are located on the AHB System (HSS) matrix, clocked by MCK5.
UDDRC and DDR3PHY are clocked as:
- UDDRC and DDR3PHY core clocks are hard-wired to DDRPLLCK.
- UDDRC and DDR3PHY APB configuration ports are clocked by MCK2.
- These clocks must respect the following conditions: Freq(MCK2) ≤ 133 MHz and Freq(DDRPLLCK)/20 ≤ Freq(MCK2) ≤ Freq(DDRPLLCK)/2.
Note: The MCK0 frequency is directly
related to the CPU clock, so any change on the CPU clock impacts