12.5.12 External High-Frequency Oscillator Control A

Offset: 0x20
Reset: 0x00
Property: Configuration Change Protection

Bit 76543210 
Access R/WR/WR/WR/WR/W 
Reset 00000 

Bit 7 – RUNSTDBY Run Standby

This bit controls whether the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) is always running when the ENABLE bit is ‘1’.

  1. The requesting peripheral, or the main clock, must take the oscillator start-up time into account.
  2. The oscillator signal is only available if requested and will be available after two XOSCHF cycles if the initial crystal start-up time has already ended.
0 The XOSCHF oscillator will only run when requested by a peripheral or by the main clock (1)
1 The XOSCHF oscillator will always run in Active mode, Idle sleep mode and Standby sleep mode (2)

Bits 5:4 – CSUTHF[1:0] Crystal Start-up Time

This bit field controls the start-up time for the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) when the Source Select (SELHF) bit is ‘0’.
Note: This bit field is read-only when the ENABLE bit or the External Crystal/Clock Status (XOSCHFS) bit in the Main Clock Status (MCLKSTATUS) register is ‘1’.
0x0 256CYC 256 XOSCHF cycles
0x1 1KCYC 1K XOSCHF cycles
0x2 4KCYC 4K XOSCHF cycles
0x3 - Reserved

Bit 1 – SELHF Source Select

This bit controls the source of the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF).

Note: This bit field is read-only when the ENABLE bit or the External Crystal/Clock Status (XOSCHFS) bit in the Main Clock Status (MCLKSTATUS) register is ‘1’.
0 CRYSTAL External crystal connected to the XTALHF1 and XTALHF2 pins
1 EXTCLK External clock on the XTALHF1 pin

Bit 0 – ENABLE Enable

This bit controls whether the External High-Frequency Oscillator (XOSCHF) is enabled or not.

0 The XOSCHF oscillator is disabled
1 The XOSCHF oscillator is enabled and overrides normal port operation for the respective oscillator pins