1 Pin Functionality Difference
ATtiny102/104 features additional pins than ATtiny4/5/9/10. ATtiny102/104 has both PORTA and PORTB whereas ATtiny4/5/9/10 have only PORTB.
ATtiny102/104 contains additional GPIOs. ATtiny102 is an 8-pin device with 6 GPIOs. ATtiny104 is a 14-pin device with 12 GPIOs.
Port pin | ATtiny102/104 | ATtiny4/5/9/10 |
PB[0] | ADC4 / PCINT8 | ADC0 / AIN0 / OC0A / PCINT0 / TPIDATA |
PB[1] | ADC5 / OC0A / PCINT9 / INT0 / CLKO | ADC1 / AIN1 / CLKI / ICP0 / OC0B / PCINT1 / TPICLK |
PB[2] | ADC6 / ICP0 / TxD0 / PCINT10 | ADC2 / CLKO / INT0 / PCINT2 / T0 |
PB[3] | ACO / ADC7 / T0 / RxD0 / PCINT11 | ADC3 / PCINT3 / RESET |
- PB [0] PORTB Pin 0 is not present in ATtiny102.
- The code that is built for your existing ATtiny4/5/9/10 will continue to successfully build on the new ATtiny104 device. But, such existing code may not build for ATtiny102 - if the code uses the PORTB Pin 0. To ensure the working of the code, the differences in the pin functionalities must be noted.