6 Results

The test results provided in this application note are meant only as indications of the capabilities of a system like this. Several factors as layout, switching frequency, component accuracy, and more will influence the final result. Layout considerations and component accuracy was purposefully not optimized in the testing to give a better starting point for less experienced designers, which means it will be possible to achieve higher performance by optimizing the design to reduce loss and increase stability.

Table 6-1. Power Supply Specifications
Input voltageVin5-24V
Output voltageVout5V
Maximum powerPmax5W
Output voltage rippleΔVout50 mV
Inductor ripple currentΔI215 mA
Switching frequencyfsw100 kHz
Table 6-2. Components
Ideal ValueUsed Value
L220 µH220 µH
Cout10 µF10 µF
RFBT3.31 kΩ3.3 kΩ
RFBB1 kΩ1 kΩ
Ccomp552.6 nF600 nF
CFF14.2 nF15 nF
CHF37.5 nF40 nF

A bootstrapped ILB88721 N-channel MOSFET was used for switching in conjunction with a 1N4007 rectifying diode, which both are rated for more power than Pmax.