3 Timer/Counter B (TCB)

TCB is a 16-bit timer optimized for timing and capture. TCB can operate in a periodic interrupt mode, where an interrupt occurs at a constant interval. Time-Out Check mode is similar, except that the timer can be reset by an EVSYS input. TCB can be operated also as a single-shot timer. The RTC/PIT might be a more suitable option than TCB for long time periods.

Capture modes refer to the ability of the timer to “capture” the count of the timer. This could be as simple as when an input occurs on a free-running timer, the time between two rising edges (frequency measurement), or the pulse length (PWM). Additionally, two TCB instances can be chained together to create a true 32-bit counter for high-precision measurements.

TCB can also be used as an 8-bit PWM generator, like Single-Slope mode in TCA.