4.1 Example 1 : Timer0 Overflow Interrupt

The 8-bit Timer0 is a synchronous Timer. This means that it is clocked by the system clock, a prescaled system clock, or an external clock, which is synchronized with the system clock (see section Clock Options for more details about this). This timer is the least complex of the three. Only a few settings have to be made to get it running.

The following example will show how the Timer0 can be used to generate Timer Overflow Interrupt. With every interrupt, pin PB5 on Port B will be toggled. To observe this, the STK®600 Development Board or the ATmega328PB Xplained Mini can be used. On STK600, PB5 has to be connected to an LED. The LED will blink with a frequency (fLED) that is determined by the following formula:

A system consisting of an 8-bit timer (MaxVal = 256) and a system clock of CK = 1 MHz, which is divided by a prescaler value of PVal = 1024, will cause the LED to blink with a frequency (fLED) of approximately 3.8Hz. The following initialization routine shows how to set up such a system:

	ldi r16,(1<<CS02)|(1<<CS00)
	out TCCR0B,r16 ; Timer clock = system clock / 1024
	ldi r16,1<<TOV0
	out TIFR0,r16 ; Clear TOV0/ Clear pending interrupts
	ldi r16,1<<TOIE0
	sts TIMSK0,r16 ; Enable Timer/Counter0 Overflow Interrupt
The corresponding C code looks like this:
void init_Ex1(void)
	/* Timer clock = I/O clock / 1024 */
	TCCR0B = (1<<CS02)|(1<<CS00);
	/* Clear overflow flag */
	TIFR0  = 1<<TOV0;
	/* Enable Overflow Interrupt */
	TIMSK0 = 1<<TOIE0;

In the next step, the interrupt service routine has to be implemented. This routine will be executed with every timer overflow. The purpose of the routine in this example is to toggle PB5.
	push r16
	in r16,SREG
	push r16
	pop r16
	out SREG,r16
	pop r16
	sbic portb,PORTB5
	sbi portb,PORTB5
	jmp RET1
	cbi portb,PORTB5

The corresponding C code:
	/* Toggle a pin on timer overflow */
	PORTB  ^= (1 << USER_LED);