2.1 ATA8350 Demo Kit – Variant A
This Demo and Evaluation kit variant uses ATSAMC21-XPRO MCU boards, one for the Verifier node and one for the Prover node to control the operation of the ATA8350 UWB device. The following components are used for the Verifier and Prover nodes:
Verifier Node:
- One ATSAMC21-XPRO board
- One ATOLED1 Xplained Pro Extension board
- One ATA8350 Xplained Pro Extension board with ATA8350 UWB device
- One UWB antenna with SMA connector
- One USB cable for 5V USB supply and for connection to a PC with Microchip Studio 7
Prover Node:
- One ATSAMC21-XPRO board
- One ATA8350 Xplained Pro Extension board with ATA8350 UWB device
- One UWB antenna with SMA connector
- One USB cable for 5V USB supply and for connection to a PC with Microchip Studio 7
Each node is programmed with a demo application for the operation as a verifier in VRo mode or as a prover in PRo mode. For more details, refer to the ATA8350 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) Transceiver User´s Guide. The applications operate at an RF frequency of 6.52 GHz with more than 540 MHz bandwidth during the distance measurement. The default frequency channel can be changed through the application’s software. With the ATA8350 Evaluation package and ATA8350 Testing packages, the frequency channel can be changed to 7.04 and 7.56 GHz based on the user’s requirements. For more details, refer to the ATA8350 Impulse-Radio Ultra-Wideband (IR-UWB) Transceiver Data Sheet.
The following figure illustrates the demo setup for the variant A.