NWK_JoinControl_t Struct


typedef struct _NWK_JoinControl_t
    /** The method of joining the network. */
    NWK_JoinMethod_t method;
    /** If this parameter is TRUE than NWK layer will encrypt all NWK packet
    * during join procedure. It means that if the method parameter is equal
    * to NWK_JOIN_VIA_REJOIN than NWK layer will encrypt rejoin request
    * command and will expect encrypted rejoin response command. */
    bool secured;
    /** TRUE means that NWK performs active scan to discover networks in
    * neighborhood otherwise NWK uses the neighbor table as is. In that
    * case (FALSE value), you can put all known neighbors to the neighbor table
    * before join and NWK will try to join only to these neighbors. */
    bool discoverNetworks;
    /** Notify other ZigBee devices that the device has joined or re-joined the network. */
    bool annce;
    /** The flag indicates that the neighbor table must be cleared or not. */
    bool clearNeighborTable;
} NWK_JoinControl_t;


The type defines network join method and joining settings.