BLE Connection

Getting Started

Getting Started with Peripheral Building Blocks

BLE Legacy Advertisements -> BLE Connection


This document will help users enable advertisements and connection on the WBZ351 Curiosity board using the MPLAB Code Configurator(MCC). The peripheral device will be the WBZ351 Curiosity board and the central device can either be a smartphone with a Light Blue app or another WBZ351 Curiosity board. BLE Advertising is broadcasting small packets to peer devices. In BLE, a peripheral device always starts with advertisements. Advertisement packets enable a central or observer to discover and connect to a peripheral.

Users can choose to just run the precompiled Application Example hex file on the WBZ351 Curiosity board and experience the demo or can go through the steps involved in developing this application from scratch.

It is recommended to follow the examples in order, by learning the basic concepts first and then progressing to the more advanced topics.

Hardware Requirement

Table 4-14. Hardware Requirement
Tool Qty
WBZ351 Curiosity Board1
Micro USB cable1
Android/iOS Smartphone1

SDK Setup

Getting started with Software Development

Software Requirement

Tera Term

Smartphone App

  • Light Blue iOS/Android app available in stores

Programming the Precompiled Hex File or Application Example

Programming the .hex File using MPLAB X IPE
  1. Import and program the Precompiled .hex file: <Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz3_wbz35\apps\ble\building_blocks\peripheral\peripheral_conn\hex\peripheral_conn.X.production.signed.hex
  2. For more details on the steps, go to Programming a Device
    Note: Ensure to choose the correct Device and Tool information
Programming the Application using MPLAB X IDE
  1. Follow steps mentioned in the Running a Precompiled Example

  2. Open and program the application: “<Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz3_wbz35\apps\ble\building_blocks\peripheral\peripheral_conn\firmware\peripheral_conn.X

For more details on how to find the Harmony Content Path, refer to Installing a MCC Plugin

Demo Description

This application enables users to transmit Connectable and Scannable Undirected BLE Advertisements. On reset, demo will print "Advertising" on a terminal emulator like Tera Term which denotes the start of advertisements. The central device scanning these advertisements can then issue a connection request unto the Curiosity board. Upon connection, "Connected" is printed on the terminal window.


  1. Using a micro USB cable, connect the Debug USB on the Curiosity board to a PC
  2. Program the precompiled hex file or application example as mentioned
  3. Open Tera Term and set the “Serial Port” to USB Serial Device and “Speed” to 115200.

    For more details on how to set the “Serial Port” and “Speed”, refer to COM Port Setup

  4. Press the Reset Switch on the Curiosity board. "Advertising" should be displayed in Tera Term.
  5. Launch the Light Blue mobile app to scan for Advertisements. The device name "Microchip" will appear then press Connect. After a successful connection, you can view the advertisement data and see “Connected” displayed in Tera Term.
    Figure 4-80. 
    Note: Users can use another WBZ351 Curiosity board configured as BLE Connection (central) instead of using a mobile app.

Developing the Application from Scratch using MCC

This section explains the steps required by a user to develop this application example from scratch using the MPLAB Code Configurator

Note: It is recommended that new users of the MPLAB Code Configurator to go through this overview
  1. Create a new MCC Harmony Project.
  2. To setup the basic components and configuration required to develop this application, import component configuration: <Harmony Content Path>\wireless_apps_pic32cxbz3_wbz35\apps\ble\building_blocks\peripheral\peripheral_conn\firmware\peripheral_conn.X\peripheral_conn.mc3
    For more details on importing the component configuration , refer to Importing Existing App Example Configuration
    Note: Import and export functionality of Harmony component configuration will help users to start from a known working setup of MCC configuration
  3. To accept dependencies or satisfiers, select "Yes"
  4. Verify if the project graph window has all the expected configuration. as illustrated in the following figure:
Figure 4-81. Project Graph

Verifying Advertisement and Connection Configuration

  1. Select BLE Stack component in project graph, to open component configuration and configure as illustrated in the following figure.
    Figure 4-82. BLE Stack Configuration
    Note: If users cannot see the Configuration Options panel in the right-hand side of the MPLAB X IDE, it might be minimized. Hover the cursor towards the Configuration Options side tab and click the “dot” on the top right-hand corner to pin it (see the following figure)
    Figure 4-83. Configuration Panel

Files and Routines Automatically Generated by the MCC

After generating the program source from MCC interface by clicking Generate Code, the BLE configuration source and header files can be found in the following project directories
Figure 4-84. Project File

The OSAL, RF System and BLE System initialization routine executed during program initialization can be found in the project file. This initialization routine is automatically generated by the MCC.

Figure 4-85. initialization.c

The BLE stack initialization routine executed during Application Initialization can be found in project files. This initialization routine is automatically generated by the MCC. This call initializes and configures the GAP, GATT, SMP, L2CAP and BLE middleware layers.

Figure 4-86. app_ble.c
Here are also the autogenerated Advertisement Data (AD) structures and types as reference
Figure 4-87. AD Structures and Types
Table 4-15. Source Files
Source Files Usage
app.cApplication State machine, includes calls for Initialization of all BLE stack (GAP,GATT, SMP, L2CAP) related component configurations
app_ble\app_ble.cSource Code for the BLE stack related component configurations, code related to function calls from app.c
app_ble\app_ble_handler.cAll GAP, GATT, SMP and L2CAP Event handlers
Note: app.c is autogenerated and has a state machine based application code. Users can use this template to develop their own application.

Header Files

  • ble_gap.h contains BLE GAP functions and is automatically included in app.c file.

Function Calls

  • MCC generates and adds the code to initialize the BLE Stack GAP, GATT, SMP and L2CAP in APP_BleStackInit()
  • APP_BleStackInit() is the API that will be called inside the Applications Initial State APP_STATE_INIT in app.c

User Application Development


  • User Action is required
  • definitions.h must be included in all the files where UART will be used to print debug information

Note: definitions.h is not specific to just UART but instead it must be included in all application source files where any peripheral functionality will be exercised

Set Public Device Address in app_ble.c

  • BLE_GAP_SetDeviceAddr(&devAddr);
    BLE_GAP_Addr_T devAddr;
    devAddr.addrType = BLE_GAP_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC;
    devAddr.addr[0] = 0xA1;
    devAddr.addr[1] = 0xA2;
    devAddr.addr[2] = 0xA3;
    devAddr.addr[3] = 0xA4;
    devAddr.addr[4] = 0xA5;
    devAddr.addr[5] = 0xA6;

    // Configure device address
Figure 4-88. app_ble.c

Starting Advertisement in app.c

  • BLE_GAP_SetAdvEnable(0x01, 0x00);
    Figure 4-89. app.c

Connected and Disconnected Events

  • All the possible GAP, GATT, SMP and L2CAP Event handlers are available in file app_ble_handler.c. Users can implement their own application code to denote Connection State here.
    Figure 4-90. app_ble_handler.c

Users can exercise various other BLE advertisement functionalities by using the BLE Stack APIs

Where to go from Here

BLE Transparent UART with External Flash OTA