This topic describes the Generic Codec Driver Library.


This library provides an Applications Programming Interface (API) to manage the Generic Codec that is serially interfaced to the I2C and I2S peripherals of a Microchip microcontroller for the purpose of providing audio solutions.


This file contains the implementation of the Generic Codec driver, which provides a simple interface to manage a codec that can be interfaced to Microchip microcontroller. The user will need to modify it to match the requirements of their codec. Areas where code needs to be added or changed are marked with TO-DO!!

Note: this module assumes the codec is controlled over an I2C interface. The I2C Driver will need to be enabled in the MHC Project Graph. If another type of interface is used, the user will need to modify the code to suit. This module makes use of SYS_TIME. It will need to be enabled in the Project Graph.

This module assumes the an I2S interface is used for audio data output (to headphones or line-out) and input (from microphone or line-in).

The Generic Codec can be configured as either an I2S clock client (receives all clocks from the host), or I2S clock host (generates I2S clocks from a host clock input MCLK).

A typical interface of Generic Codec to a Microchip microcontroller using an I2C and SSC interface (configured as I2S), with the Generic Codec set up as the I2S clock client, is provided in the following diagram:

Using the Library

This topic describes the basic architecture of the Generic Codec Driver Library and provides information and examples on its use.

Interface Header File: drv_Generic.h

The interface to the Generic Codec Driver library is defined in the audio/driver/codec/Generic/drv_Generic.h header file. Any C language source (.c) file that uses the Generic Codec Driver library should include this header.

Library Source Files:

The Generic Codec Driver library source files are provided in the audio/driver/codec/Generic/src directory. This folder may contain optional files and alternate implementations. Please refer to Configuring the Library for instructions on how to select optional features and to Building the Library for instructions on how to build the library.

Example Applications:

This codec is not used directly by any demonstration applications. However the following applications could be looked at, to see how a codec such as the WM8904 or AK4954 is used:

  • audio/apps/audio_tone

  • audio/apps/microphone_loopback

Abstraction Model

This library provides a low-level abstraction of the Generic Codec Driver Library on the Microchip family microcontrollers with a convenient C language interface. This topic describes how that abstraction is modeled in software and introduces the library's interface.


The abstraction model shown in the following diagram depicts how the Generic Codec Driver is positioned in the MPLAB Harmony framework. The Generic Codec Driver uses the I2C and I2S drivers for control and audio data transfers to the Generic module.

Generic Driver Abstraction Model

Library Overview

Refer to the Driver Library Overview section for information on how the driver operates in a system.

The Generic Codec Driver Library provides an API interface to transfer control commands and digital audio data to the serially interfaced Generic Codec module. The library interface routines are divided into various sub-sections, which address one of the blocks or the overall operation of the Generic Codec Driver Library.

Library Interface SectionDescription
System FunctionsProvides system module interfaces, device initialization, deinitialization, reinitialization, tasks and status functions.
Client Setup FunctionsProvides open and close functions.
Data Transfer FunctionsProvides data transfer functions, such as Buffer Read and Write.
Settings FunctionsProvides driver specific functions for settings, such as volume control and sampling rate.
Other FunctionsMiscellaneous functions, such as getting the driver’s version number and syncing to the LRCLK signal.
Data Types and ConstantsThese data types and constants are required while interacting and setting up the Generic Codec Driver Library.

Note: All functions and constants in this section are named with the format DRV_Generic_xxx, where 'xxx' is a function name or constant. These names are redefined in the appropriate configuration’s configuration.h file to the format DRV_CODEC_xxx using #defines so that code in the application that references the library can be written as generically as possible (e.g., by writing DRV_CODEC_Open instead of DRV_Generic_Open etc.). This allows the codec type to be changed in the MHC without having to modify the application’s source code.

How the Library Works

How the Library Works

The library provides interfaces to support:

  • System Functionality

  • Client Functionality

Setup (Initialization)

This topic describes system initialization, implementations, and includes a system access code example.

System Initialization

The system performs the initialization of the device driver with settings that affect only the instance of the device that is being initialized. During system initialization in the system_init.c file, each instance of the Generic module would be initialized with the following configuration settings (either passed dynamically at run time using DRV_Generic_INIT or by using Initialization Overrides) that are supported by the specific Generic device hardware:

  • Device requested power state: one of the System Module Power States. For specific details please refer to Data Types and Constants in the Library Interface section.

  • I2C driver module index. The module index should be same as the one used in initializing the I2C Driver

  • I2S driver module index. The module index should be same as the one used in initializing the I2S Driver

  • Sampling rate

  • Volume

  • Audio data format. The audio data format should match with the audio data format settings done in I2S driver initialization

  • Determines whether or not the microphone input is enabled

The DRV_Generic_Initialize API returns an object handle of the type SYS_MODULE_OBJ. The object handle returned by the Initialize interface would be used by the other system interfaces such as DRV_ Generic_Deinitialize, DRV_ Generic_Status and DRV_I2S_Tasks.

Client Access

This topic describes driver initialization and provides a code example.


For the application to start using an instance of the module, it must call the DRV_Generic_Open function. The DRV_Generic_Open function provides a driver handle to the Generic Codec Driver instance for operations. If the driver is deinitialized using the function DRV_Generic_Deinitialize, the application must call the DRV_Generic_Open function again to set up the instance of the driver.

For the various options available for IO_INTENT, please refer to Data Types and Constants in the Library Interface section.

Note: It is necessary to check the status of driver initialization before opening a driver instance. The status of the Generic Codec Driver can be known by calling DRV_Generic_Status.


DRV_HANDLE handle; SYS_STATUS genericStatus;

genericStatus Status = DRV_Generic_Status(sysObjects.genericStatus DevObject); if (SYS_STATUS_READY == genericStatus) { // The driver can now be opened.

appData.genericClient.handle = DRV_Generic_Open

(DRV_Generic_INDEX_0, DRV_IO_INTENT_WRITE | DRV_IO_INTENT_EXCLUSIVE); if(appData.genericClient.handle != DRV_HANDLE_INVALID) {

appData.state = APP_STATE_Generic_SET_BUFFER_HANDLER; } else { SYS_DEBUG(0, "Find out what's wrong \r\n");

} } else { /* Generic Driver Is not ready */


Client Operations

This topic provides information on client operations.


Client operations provide the API interface for control command and audio data transfer to the Generic Codec.

The following Generic Codec specific control command functions are provided:

  • DRV_Generic_SamplingRateSet

  • DRV_Generic_SamplingRateGet

  • DRV_Generic_VolumeSet

  • DRV_Generic_VolumeGet

  • DRV_Generic_MuteOn

  • DRV_Generic_MuteOff

These functions schedule a non-blocking control command transfer operation. These functions submit the control command request to the Generic Codec. These functions submit the control command request to I2C Driver transmit queue, the request is processed immediately if it is the first request, or processed when the previous request is complete.

DRV_Generic_BufferAddWrite, DRV_Generic_BufferAddRead, and DRV_Generic_BufferAddWriteRead are buffered data operation functions. These functions schedule non-blocking audio data transfer operations. These functions add the request to I2S Driver transmit or receive buffer queue depends on the request type, and are executed immediately if it is the first buffer, or executed later when the previous buffer is complete. The driver notifies the client with DRV_Generic_BUFFER_EVENT_COMPLETE, DRV_Generic_BUFFER_EVENT_ERROR, or DRV_Generic_BUFFER_EVENT_ABORT events.

Note: It is not necessary to close and reopen the client between multiple transfers.

Configuring the Library

The configuration of the I2S Driver Library is based on the file configurations.h, as generated by the MHC.

This header file contains the configuration selection for the I2S Driver Library. Based on the selections made, the I2S Driver Library may support the selected features. These configuration settings will apply to all instances of the I2S Driver Library.

This header can be placed anywhere; however, the path of this header needs to be present in the include search path for a successful build. Refer to the Applications Help section for more details.

System Configuration


DRV_GENERICCODEC_AUDIO_DATA_FORMAT_MACROSpecifies the audio data format for the codec.
DRV_GENERICCODEC_AUDIO_SAMPLING_RATESpecifies the initial baud rate for the codec.
DRV_GENERICCODEC_CLIENTS_NUMBERSets up the maximum number of clients that can be connected to any hardware instance.
DRV_GENERICCODEC_I2C_DRIVER_MODULE_INDEX_IDXxSpecifies the instance number of the I2C interface.
DRV_GENERICCODEC_I2S_DRIVER_MODULE_INDEX_IDXxSpecifies the instance number of the I2S interface.
DRV_GENERICCODEC_INSTANCES_NUMBERSets up the maximum number of hardware instances that can be supported.
DRV_GENERICCODEC_VOLUMESpecifies the initial volume level.