libq_q1d15_Sin_q10d6 Function

Approximates the sine of an angle.


Function libq_q1d15_Sin_q10d6:

This function approximates the sine of an angle using the following algorithm: sin(x) = 3.140625x + 0.02026367x^2 - 5.325196x^3

  • 0.5446778x^4 + 1.800293x^5. The approximation is accurate for any value of x from 0 degrees to 90 degrees. Because sin(-x) =

  • sin(x) and sin(x) = sin(180 - x), the sine of any angle can be inferred from an angle in the first quadrant. Therefore, any angle > 90 is converted to an angle between 0 & 90. The coefficients of the algorithm have been scaled by 1/8 to fit a Q1d15 format. So the result is scaled up by 8 to obtain the proper magnitudes. The algorithm expects the angle to be in degrees and represented in Q10.6 format. The computed sine value is returned in Q1.15 format.




q15 angle - The angle in degrees for which the sine is computed in Q10.6


q15 sine(angle) value in Q1.15


q15 libq_q1d15_Sin_q10d6 (q15 angleQ10d6 );