1 What is the 8-Bit MDFU Client Library?
The 8-Bit Microchip Device Firmware Update (MDFU) Client Library enables the creation of
bootloaders for 8-bit microcontrollers (MCUs). The solution uses the new Microchip Firmware
Image Builder (pyfwimagebuilder) tool to generate the application image file
) and Microchip Device Firmware Upgrade (pymdfu) host
tool to program the new image. This library supports the 8-bit PIC®,
tinyAVR®, AVR®Dx and AVR®Ex family of devices by providing
additional instructions through MPLAB® Code Configurator (MCC) notifications. A
detailed list of supported devices is available in the Supported Devices and Families section. For more information and
references, refer to the Microchip 8-Bit Bootloader web page.