25.5.4 Transmit Data Register High Byte

The data written to this register is automatically loaded into the TX Buffer and through to the dedicated Shift register. The shift register outputs each of the bits serially to the TXD pin.

When using a 9-bit frame size, the ninth bit (MSb) must be written to the Transmit Data Register High Byte (USARTn.TXDATAH). In that case, the buffer shifts data either when the Transmit Data Register Low Byte (USARTn.TXDATAL) or the Transmit Data Register High Byte (USARTn.TXDATAH) is written, depending on the configuration. The register, which does not lead to data being shifted, must be written first to be able to write both registers before shifting.

When the Character Size (CHSIZE) bit field in the Control C (USARTn.CTRLC) register is configured to 9-bit (low byte first), a write of the Transmit Data Register High Byte shifts the transmit buffer. Otherwise, the Transmit Data Register Low Byte shifts the buffer.

This register may only be written when the Data Register Empty Interrupt Flag (DREIF) in the Status (USARTn.STATUS) register is set.

Offset: 0x03
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Access R/W 
Reset 0 

Bit 0 – DATA[8] Transmit Data Register High Byte