25.5.7 Control B

Offset: 0x06
Reset: 0x00
Property: -

Bit 76543210 
Reset 0000000 

Bit 7 – RXEN Receiver Enable

This bit controls whether the USART receiver is enabled or not. Refer to Disabling the Receiver for more information.
0 The USART receiver is disabled
1 The USART receiver is enabled

Bit 6 – TXEN Transmitter Enable

This bit controls whether the USART transmitter is enabled or not. Refer to Disabling the Transmitter for more information.
0 The USART transmitter is disabled
1 The USART transmitter is enabled

Bit 4 – SFDEN Start-of-Frame Detection Enable

This bit controls whether the USART Start-of-Frame Detection mode is enabled or not. Refer to Start-of-Frame Detection for more information.
0 The USART Start-of-Frame Detection mode is disabled
1 The USART Start-of-Frame Detection mode is enabled

Bit 3 – ODME Open Drain Mode Enable

This bit controls whether Open Drain mode is enabled or not. See the One-Wire Mode section for more information.
0 Open Drain mode is disabled
1 Open Drain mode is enabled

Bits 2:1 – RXMODE[1:0] Receiver Mode

Writing this bit field selects the receiver mode of the USART.

  • Writing the bits to 0x00 enables Normal-Speed (NORMAL) mode. When the USART Communication Mode (CMODE) bit field in the Control C (USARTn.CTRLC) register is configured to Asynchronous USART (ASYNCHRONOUS) or Infrared Communication (IRCOM), always write the RXMODE bit field to 0x00.
  • Writing the bits to 0x01 enables Double-Speed (CLK2X) mode. Refer to Double-Speed Operation for more information.
  • Writing the bits to 0x02 enables Generic Auto-Baud (GENAUTO) mode. Refer to the Auto-Baud section for more information.
  • Writing the bits to 0x03 enables Lin Constrained Auto-Baud (LINAUTO) mode. Refer to the Auto-Baud section for more information.
0x00 NORMAL Normal-Speed mode
0x01 CLK2X Double-Speed mode
0x02 GENAUTO Generic Auto-Baud mode
0x03 LINAUTO LIN Constrained Auto-Baud mode

Bit 0 – MPCM Multi-Processor Communication Mode

This bit controls whether the Multi-Processor Communication mode is enabled or not. Refer to Multiprocessor Communication for more information.

0 Multi-Processor Communication mode is disabled
1 Multi-Processor Communication mode is enabled