1.3 UART/I2C Pin Details

Connect the UART or I2C to the PC, and power on the ATWINC/ATWILC. Ensure that the ATWINC/ATWILC is in the right test mode with the correct pins.

The following table provides the I2C connection for ATWINC/ATWILC 1XXX and 3XXX series.
Table 1-1. I2C Connection
Connections 1XXX Module series 1XXX Chip series 3XXX Module series 3XXX Chip series
I2C Slave Data Pin 3 Pin 33 Pin 10 Pin 16
I2C Slave clock Pin 2 Pin 32 Pin 11 Pin 17
BT_TXD NA NA Pin 8 Pin 14
BT_RXD NA NA Pin 9 Pin 15