7.4 Power-On Reset and Brown-Out Reset

The PIC32CZ CA embeds the following features to monitor, warn, and reset the device:

  • POR: Power-on Reset on the main supply VDD (AVDD)
  • dcBOR: Duty cycled Brown-out Reset on AVDD/VDDIO
  • VDDBODxx: Brown-out Reset on VDDIO/AVDD
  • Brown-out Detector internal to the VDDCORE_SW power domain. The PORCORE is calibrated in production and its calibration parameters are stored in the NVM User Row. This data should not be changed if the User Row is written to assure correct behavior.
    Note: Currently the VDDUSB pins are not monitored. The output of the USB PHY regulators is monitored by the SUPC.