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Up to 8 MB Flash, 1 MB SRAM, Hardware Security Module, Secure Boot, Floating Point Unit (FPU), Advanced Analog, Gigabit Ethernet, HS USB, CAN-FD, and Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC)
1 Configuration Summary
3 Ordering Information
4 Block Diagram
6 Signal Description
48.1 Absolute Maximum Electrical Characteristics
48.2 CPU Electrical Characteristics
48.3 Power Supply
48.4 MCU Active Power
48.5 MCU Idle Power
48.6 MCU Standby Power
48.7 MCU Hibernate Power
48.8 MCU OFF Power
48.9 Wake-Up Timing
48.10 Peripheral Active Power
48.11 I/O Pin Electrical Specifications
48.12 Internal Voltage Reference Electrical Specifications
48.13 Maximum Clock Frequencies
48.14 External Oscillator (XOSC) Electrical Specifications
48.15 External 32.768 kHz Oscillator (XOSC32) Electrical Specifications
48.16 Low-Power Internal 32 kHz RC Oscillator (OSCULP32K) Electrical Specifications
48.17 DFLL/FPLL Electrical Specifications
48.18 Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Electrical Specifications
48.19 Comparator Electrical Specifications
48.20 Peripheral Touch Controller (PTC) Electrical Specifications
48.21 Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Electrical Specifications
48.22 UART Electrical Specifications
48.23 I2S Electrical Specifications
48.24 I2C Electrical Specifications
48.25 SQI/QSPI Electrical Specifications
48.26 Controller Area Network (CAN) Electrical Specifications
48.27 Timer Counter for Control Applications (TCC) Electrical Specifications
48.28 Universal Serial Bus (USB) Electrical Specifications
48.29 Non-Volatile Memory Controller (NVM) Electrical Specifications
48.30 Gigabit Ethernet MAC (GMAC/ETH) Electrical Specifications
48.31 Frequency Meter (FREQM) Electrical Specifications
48.32 True Random Number Generator (TRNG) Electrical Specifications
48.33 SD/MMC Host Controller (SDHC) Electrical Specifications
48.34 External Bus Interface (EBI) Electrical Specifications
48.35 Media Local Bus (MLB) Electrical Specifications
48.36 JTAG Electrical Specifications
48.37 SWD 2-Wire Electrical Specifications
52 Acronyms and Abbreviations
53 Revision History

The online versions of the documents are provided as a courtesy. Verify all content and data in the device’s PDF documentation found on the device product page.