18.2 Features

The following are key features of the OSCCTRL module:

  • 48 MHz Crystal Oscillator (XOSC)
    • Supports 4 MHz to 48 MHz crystal oscillators
    • Supports ceramic resonators up to 10 MHz
    • AGC, Automatic gain control loop with manual override
    • User clock Ready Status
    • Clock-fail detection in AGC mode with safe clock switch
  • DFLL48M
    • System clock output
    • 48.0 MHz (±2%) calibrated
    • 48.0 MHz (±0.25%) calibrated with DFLL
    • 8 MHz (±5%) in Low-Power mode
  • Two PLL, Digital Phase-Locked Loop
    • 4 MHz to 48 MHz Reference Input Clock
    • Programmable Reference Input Clock divider
    • Single-ended output frequency: 12.7 MHz to 300 MHz or (1.6 GHz for fractional divider module input)
    • Four single-ended outputs per PLL with programmable output clock dividers
    • Programmable closed loop bandwidth
    • PLL1 with two fractional dividers with resolution up to 1/1.6 GHz or 625 picoseconds